

學名:Ilex aquifolium 'J.C. van Tol'

英名:Holly 'J.C. van Tol'、Dutch Holly


簡介 Description

冬青屬常綠灌木。本種是由歐洲冬青(Ilex aquifolium)所選育出來的園藝品種,育種者為荷蘭的范托爾先生。具有雌株單性結果與小葉、葉緣無刺等特性。株高1.5~2m,主幹直立。互生革質橢圓形葉片,葉全緣或先端有銳刺,葉色深綠,葉面光滑油亮。繖形花序自葉腋生出;花白色有4瓣,花徑約0.5cm。紅色圓形核果,直徑約0.7cm。開花期春、夏季,結果期秋、冬季。

It’s an evergreen shrub in the genus Ilex and a horticultural cultivar bred from Ilex aquifolium by Mr. Fantor in Netherlands, featured with parthenocarpy fruit of the female plants and spineless on the leaflets and margins. Plant height 1.5-2m, trunk erect. Foliage leathery and elliptic, entire margin and occasionally with sharp spines on the leaf apex, dark green, smooth and glossy. Umbels emerging from leaf axils; flowers white with 4 petals, 0.5cm across. Drupe red and round, about 0.7cm across. Flowering in spring and summer, fruiting in autumn and winter.

栽培 Cultivation


Suitable to grow in full sun or partial sun, warm and cold environments. The leaves grow tight and dense in full-sun conditions and less leafy if lacking of sun light. High humidity can promote the growth, so water the soil when it’s dry. Apply long-active compound fertilizer once a season. The plant is hardy and germinates easily, so it can withstand frequent pruning and shaping. When carrying out pruning, be careful of the sharp thorns on the leaves. Propagated by cuttings.

應用 Application


The smooth and glossy leaves are resistant to dust. The red fruits can allure birds, and the fruit-bearing branches are common material of cut flowers. Suitable to be trimmed and shaped as a topiary shrub hedge in courtyard. Valued for the spiny leaves, it’s a great plant as barrier hedge.