

學名:Chamaecyparis formosensis Matsum.

英名:Taiwan Red Cypress、Formosan False Cypress、Tree of God


簡介 Description

扁柏屬常綠喬木,臺灣特有種。樹皮薄,灰褐色至紅褐色,常在老樹上呈縱條狀剝落;樹枝擴展,小枝扁平。葉鱗片狀,在小枝側作覆瓦狀對生,先端銳尖,表面綠色,有時帶有古銅狀綠色,背面淡白色並具有白色凹溝。雌雄同株,毬花單生於短枝頂端;雄花黃色;雌花球形,有珠鱗 3~6 對。毬果橢圓形,種子略有翅。

A deciduous or evergreen shrub or small tree in the genus Loropetalum, native to Central China. It’s a red-flower variant in the genus. Limb erect and much branched; branches and leaves hairy. Leaves opposite, ovate to elliptic, green to reddish purple. Flowers 3-8 clustered at the tip of the branch, 4 strap-shaped petals. Capsule ovate. Fully blooming in spring, and sporadic in summer and autumn.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant prefers full sun and warm to cold environment as well as neutral to slightly acidic, well-draining cultural soil or loam rich in organic matter. Avoid adding lime in the soil nor planting in cement pots. It’s prune-tolerant and usually trimmed into topiary tree post-anthesis period, but avoid pruning at the end of summer as you may accidentally cut off the flower buds. Propagated by cuttings, grafting, and aerial layering.

應用 Application


The plant is prized for the red strap-shaped flowers blooming at the tips of branches and commonly known as "red color wood". Suitable to be trimmed as accent colored topiary shrubs in courtyards. Highly-tolerant to air pollution, the plant can also be planted along the roads as a colored green belt.