

學名:Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult.

英名:Desert Rose


簡介 Description


A deciduous shrub in the genus Adenium, native to East Africa and arid areas of the Arabian Peninsula. The basal part is often succulent in lumps, with fleshy branches, fewer branchlets and sparse. Leaves clustered at the tip of branches. Depending on varieties, the leaves shapes range from obovate, elliptical to linear; leaf 5~15cm long and 1~6cm wide; wavy leaf margin. Funnel-shaped flowers, corolla 5 lobed, flower stem 4~8cm long, colors from white, pink, pinkish-red, dark red, yellow with various edging and markings. In recent years, Taiwan has also bred wide varieties of double-flowered species resembling roses. Flowering throughout the year, more blossomy during dry seasons.

栽培 Cultivation


Suitable for full-sun and warm environments, short sunshine days often causes sparse flowering. The plant is deciduous and dormant in cold winter. Use well-drained sandy loam or mixed medium with coarse sand and cultivated soil. Apply long-active fertilizers with higher potassium once a season from spring to autumn. The plant is drought tolerant and requires watering only when the medium is dry. Propagated by seeding, cutting, air layering and grafting.

應用 Application


The plant shape is unique, especially the roots of old ones are stout and beautiful. Mostly used as a potted ornamental placed in a sunny location away from rain; rarely cultivated in open fields. The whole plant is toxic, so the planting location should be unreachable by children to prevent accidental ingestion