

學名:Laurus nobilis Linn.

英名:Bay Laurel


簡介 Description

月桂屬常綠灌木或小喬木,原產地中海及小亞細亞一帶。樹皮灰黑色,小枝圓柱形,具縱向細條紋,幼嫩部分略被微柔毛或近乎無毛。葉互生,長橢圓形或長橢圓狀披針形,邊緣細波狀,革質。雌雄異株,繖形花序腋生。雄花每一繖形花序有花5朵,花黃綠色;雌花通常有退化雄蕊 4枚,與花被片互生。花期 3~5月。果為漿果,橢圓形或橢圓狀球形,暗紫色,具有光澤,果肉芬芳,含有月桂油。種子茶褐色,橢圓形,種皮上有黑褐色斑紋。果期6~9月。

A deciduous tree in the genus Magnolia, native to China. Trunk erect, bark gray-white; branchlets smooth, with prominent lenticels. Leaves alternate, obovate to obovate-oval, entire, glossy on the upper surface and pubescent under. Flowers white reddening or dark purple, fragrant; bracts 2-3 layered, each layer has 2-3 pieces, the outer layer densely covered with gray-white or gray-green fluff. Flowering from Feb. to March. Follicles round, plenty, aggregated into a cylindrical shape. Fruiting from June to July.

栽培 Cultivation


The plants thrive in direct sunlight, in soils with rich organic matter and good drainage. Propagated by seeds or cuttings.

應用 Application


The plant could be cultivated as garden landscape tree; an excellent timber with straight grains and fine texture, suitable to make furniture, drawing board, joinery and for other purposes. With medicinal uses. Flowers contain aromatic essence, the extracts can be used to make soaps, cosmetic essences in chemical and food industries. Oil extracted from the seeds can be used for industrial purposes.