

學名:Medinilla myriantha Merr.

英名:Rose Grape、Rose Grape Plant、Rose Grape Medinilla、Malaysian Orchid、Malaysian Grapes


簡介 Description


An evergreen shrub in the genus Medinilla, native to the Philippines. It produces hairy appendages on the branch nodes. Leathery foliage shaped oval or elliptic, growing in opposite or ternate arrangement. With five or seven veins, amplexicaul. Terminal umbellate panicles, inflorescence ca. 30 cm. Five pinkish peach petals with purple anther. Fruits are round and colors reddish purple to purple. Flowering from spring to summer and fruiting from summer o autumn.

栽培 Cultivation


Partial shade environment; water when medium soil becomes slightly dry and apply long-active compound fertilizers once every season. As branches tend to droop as they grow, using supportive pillars to keep them straightened so people can appreciate the beautiful pendulous flowers and fruits. Propagation is by seeding and cuttings.

應用 Application


It’s a high-quality ornamental plant for the esthetic flowers, fruits and leaves. Suitable to be planted under shades of trees or corner facade. The flowers and fruits are pendulous, so it’s better to grow on a flower stand or a raised pot to for better viewing experience.