

學名:Rebutia albiflora F.Ritter et Buining

簡介 Description


A succulent plant of the genus Rebutia, native to Bolivia. Oval-shaped, about 2 cm in diameter, packed with white thorns which are thin as soft hairs 0.3 - 0.5 cm long. The base often produces offshoots which form a dense mat-like group after cultivation for a period of time. Flowers white or light pink.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant favors full sun and good ventilation. Sufficient sun exposure can promote flowering, however, exposure in high summer may cause signs of scorch, such as sunburn. Plant in draining and breathable soil to avoid root rotting. Keep the air temperature above 15 °C in winter. The plant goes dormant and grows slow in winter, so suggest moving it to a bright indoor place and controlling watering. Frostbites will occur and affect the growth if the temperature dips below 10°C.

應用 Application


It’s an adorable and more acceptable thanks to its less-prickly thorns. In addition, the traits of fast growth and easy flowering make it popular in the market. The plant grows in groups which is rare among cacti and is suitable to be planted in a wide shallow pot to appreciate the beauty of abundance.