

學名:Cinnamomum kotoense Kanehira & Sasaki

英名:Botel Tobago Cinnamon Tree、Cinnamomum Kotoense


簡介 Description


Endemic to Taiwan and only grown in Orchid Island. An evergreen tree with smooth bark, thick branchlets, cylindrical, smooth and hairless; young branches bright green. Leaves opposite or nearly opposite, but sometimes alternate, oval or ovate-elliptic, thickly leathery, entire but slightly curling up, leaf base with 3 conspicuous veins. The flowers are small and less than that of other species in the genus. Cymes are short and terminal. The fruit is an elliptic and smooth drupe which turns from green to purple-black when mature; there is a residual cup-shaped hypocarp at the base with a crenate margin. Fruiting from September to October.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant enjoys full day or half sun, rich organic loam and good drainage. Tolerant to wind and drought. Mainly seed reproduction.

應用 Application


The plant can be a garden landscape tree, coastal windbreak, a street tree, etc. After domestication, it can be used as a large indoor potted plant or as a small seed bonsai (small forest of seeds). The bark can be made into medicine for the properties of dispelling cold, relieving pain and stasis, promoting blood circulation and invigorating the stomach.