

學名:Myristica ceylanica A. DC. var. cagayanensis (Merr.) J. Sinclair

英名:Cagayan Nutmeg


簡介 Description

原產臺灣蘭嶼與綠島,菲律賓亦為原生地。常綠大喬木;枝條濃密,樹幹粗壯通直;樹形呈圓錐或圓柱形。葉互生,革質,長橢圓形,通常雌株的葉片較雄株為大,表面深綠色,葉背粉綠色,全緣;側脈表面凹下,背面顯著隆起,兩面無毛。雌雄異株,無花瓣;雄花為聚繖花序,腋生,雌花常2~3朵簇生,腋出;花期在 8~ 9月。果為核果,卵狀橢圓形,表面密被紅褐色伏毛,熟時裂開成2瓣;種子具紅色撕裂狀假種皮,胚乳豐富。果期12月至翌年7月。

Native to Taiwan's Orchid Island and Green Island as well as the Philippines. An evergreen large tree with dense branches, thick and straight trunks. The trees are conical or cylindrical. Leaves alternate, leathery, oblong, and entire. The female plants usually have larger leaves than the male ones; the leaf surface is dark green while the back is bright green; the surface of the lateral veins is concave and the back is conspicuously raised, and both sides are hairless. Dioecious, no petals; male flowers are cymes, axillary, female flowers often 2 to 3 in a cluster, axillary; flowering from August to September. Fruit is a drupe, ovate-elliptic, densely covered with reddish-brown hairs, split into 2 pieces when mature; seeds with red ripping arils with abundant endosperm. Fruiting from December to July.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant enjoys direct sunshine and has the properties of resistance to diseases, insects and pollution. Resistant to wind and drought. Mainly propagated by seeding.

應用 Application


The plant can be garden landscape trees, coastal windbreaks, and street trees. The wood is an important material for buildings andmaking mortars and pestles. The fruit contains fat and can be used as a coloring agent. The aril and seed kernel can be made into spices. The fruit is spicy, warm, aromatic and able to invigorate stomach.