

學名:Thespesia populnea (L.) Solad. ex Correa

英名:Bhendi Tree,Rose Wood


簡介 Description

臺灣原生常綠喬木,樹皮灰白,有褐色鱗痂,樹皮富纖維質;枝條多彎曲,小枝粗糙。葉互生,紙質至薄革質,心形,全緣,富光澤,基部有脈5條。花單一,腋生,大而顯著,鮮黃色,花瓣凋謝之前則會變成艷紅色;宿存花萼截形,也是截萼黃槿名稱的由來;花期 5~8 月。果為蒴果,球形,熟後黑褐色,不開裂形成氣室,能浮於水面進行海漂傳播,是海漂植物。種子多呈三角狀橢圓形,具有條紋,有毛茸。果期 8~12 月。野生繖楊僅見於恆春半島,屬保育類物種。葉似桐,花似棉花,故又名桐棉。

A Taiwan’s native evergreen tree, bark gray with brown scales, rich in fiber; branches are curved and branchlets are coarse. Leaves alternate, papery to thinly leathery, heart-shaped, entire, rich in luster, 5 veins at the base. Flowers single, axillary, large and conspicuous, bright yellow; the petals turn red before wilting; the persistent calyx is truncated which is the name of the plant from. Flowering from May to August. The fruit is a spherical capsule which is ripe dark brown. The ripe capsule doesn’t crack, so an air chamber is formed to enable the capsule to float on the sea water and to disperse as a sea dispersal plant. The seeds are mostly triangularly ovate in shape, with stripes and villi. Fruiting from August to December. Wild population is only found in the Hengchun Peninsula and rated as a conservation species. The leaves resemble Tong tree and flowers like cotton (Mian in Chinese pronunciation), so it's also named as Tongmian.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant enjoys full sun or partial shade, high temperature environments, have high demand on water. It’s medium rooted, easy to transplant, growing fast, tolerant to water stagnation, salt, wind and moisture. Propagated by seeding and cutting.

應用 Application


It can be cultivated as garden landscape trees, coastal windbreaks, and street trees. The fruit can be used as a dye. The whole plant is bitter and cold, it can clear away heat, detoxify, reduce swelling and relieve pain, treat meningitis, dysentery, hemorrhoids, sputum, swelling and pain. The fruit can be used to delouse.