

學名:Livistona chinensis (Jacq.) R.Br. ex Mart.

英名:Chinese Fan Palm、Fountain Palm


簡介 Description


An evergreen tree in the genus Livistona, native to South China, the Indochinese Peninsula and Taiwan. Trunk grows tall and erect; fan-shaped leaves emerge in clusters at the trunk top. Deep palm-shaped lobes stretch to the middle of the blade. Lobes are linearly lanceolate and develop small thread-like pendulous lobes on both sides. Short thorns are borne on the base of petiole. Panicles with tiny yellow flowers; corolla 3-lobed. Dark brown fruit is oval. Flowering in spring and fruiting from spring to summer.

栽培 Cultivation


Full-sun and warm environment. Saplings are slightly more shade resistant. The plant is resistant to humidity as well as drought; enough water supply can promote growth. Apply long-active fertilizers once every season from spring to autumn. Removing dry leaves and brown bark regularly to maintain aesthetic appearance. Seeding is used to propagate.

應用 Application


The tree is a great landscape tree for the upstanding shape, and artfully arranged leaves. Saplings are ornamental for the foliage and can be planted in pots as green decoration or co-featured with other foliage plants. The leaves were used to make fans since ancient times and called "Kwei Fan".