

學名:Pachypodium saundersii N.E.Br.

簡介 Description


A succulent deciduous shrub of the genus Pachypodium, native to South Africa. A summer grower bears a thickened bole base and gray bark. Lateral branches are often creeping and bear forked spines. Spoon-shaped leaves tuft at the apex of branches. Five-fissured corolla resembles a windmill, colored white to pink. Flower in summer.

栽培 Cultivation


It grows well with full-sun and good ventilation. Plant in draining and breathable soil to avoid root rotting. During high temperature period, water whenever the soil appears dry, and apply long-active fertilizer 1 or 2 times; in low temperature period, it goes dormant and defoliate, so requires no watering or fertilization to overwinter. Propagate by sowing and grafting.

應用 Application


The plant is classified as tuberous succulent and valued for the unique look and storage tissues, it’s often featured as a major plant in the rare plants exhibition area and displayed solely in most cases.