

學名:Ficus vaccinioides Hemsl. ex King

英名:Vaccinium Fig


簡介 Description

臺灣特有種,常綠蔓性灌木。莖赤褐色,匍匐四處伸展,莖節間有不定根,嫩莖有毛茸。葉互生,橢圓形至倒卵形,厚紙質,邊緣全緣而有毛茸。隱頭花序單生或少數對生,球形。果實為隱頭花序榕果(隱花果),球形或卵形,無梗,先端凸出,外被細毛,紫紅色。花果期 7~10 月。

An evergreen vine shrub, endemic to Taiwan. The russet stems creep and stretch freely, adventitious roots grown between the internodes. New stems are villous. Leaves alternate, elliptic to obovate, thickly papery, margin entire and villous. Hypanthium solitary or few opposite, spherical. The fruit is a fig, spherical or ovate, stalk absent, apex acute, pubescent, purplish red. Flowering from July to October.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant enjoys full-sun or partial shade, warm and humid environments. It could be propagated by seeding and cutting. Higher water demand at the beginning of transplanting until the root system is stabilized then it will be more drought-tolerant.

應用 Application


The plant has dense and beautiful branches and leaves which grow fast and creep on the ground. Suitable for planting in green walls, stacked rocks, road slopes and as ground cover in bare ground to resist rain erosion, reduce wind and sand dust. Planted as small potted plants or a material for topiary.