

學名:Margaritaria indica (Dalz.) Airy Shaw

英名:Indian Leaf Flower


簡介 Description

原產於臺灣、中國大陸、印度、斯里蘭卡、緬甸、泰國、越南、馬來西亞、菲律賓、印度尼西亞至澳大利亞。落葉喬木,樹幹通直,樹皮紅褐色;小枝細長,圓柱形,有白色皮孔。葉片薄紙質,橢圓形至長圓狀披針形,全緣,頂端急尖或鈍或圓。花小,淡綠色至綠白色,雌雄異株;雄花數朵簇生於葉腋;雌花1~3 朵腋生;花期 5~8月。蒴果近圓球形,外果皮肉質,乾後薄革質,內含3粒種子;種子扇形,褐色有藍色金屬光澤。果期 8~12 月。

Native to Taiwan, China, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia to Australia. Deciduous trees, straight trunks, reddish-brown bark; slender branchlets, cylindrical, with white lenticels. Leaves thinly papery, elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, entire, apically acute or blunt or round. Flowers small, light green to greenish white, dioecious; several male flowers clustered in leaf axils; female flowers 1 to 3 axillary; flowering from May to August. Capsules nearly spherical, exocarp fleshy to thinly leathery after drying, containing 3 seeds; seeds fan-shaped, brown with blue metallic luster. Fruiting from August to December.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant enjoys warm climates and grows better in well-drained sandy loam with rich organic matter. Propagated by seeding and cutting.

應用 Application


It can be cultivated as a street tree and a hedge. The reddish-brown timber is solid and heavy like the red sandalwood, so it can be a substitute of sandalwood as decorative materials. It can also be made into walking sticks, poles and small appliances.