

學名:Cleyera japonica var. morii (Yamam.) Masam.

英名:Mori Cleyera


簡介 Description


An evergreen tree in the genus Cleyera, an endemic plant variation to Taiwan, distributed in the low and middle-altitude mountainous areas in northern Taiwan. Leathery obovate foliage arranges alternately. New foliage is reddish orange. Axillary flowers grow solitarily or in a cluster of two to four, 5 white petals, with a special scent. Berries are ripe black. Flowering in winter and fruiting in spring.

栽培 Cultivation


Full sun to partial shade environment, saplings are shade tolerant. Require fertile loam for cultivation; apply long-active fertilizers once every season. Prune crowded, defective and shaggy branches to maintain the shape. Propagated by seeding, cuttings, and air layering.

應用 Application


It’s an excellent street tree and green hedgerows, thanks to its glossy foliage and dense clown, vigorous and healthy growth as well as resistance to pest infestation. The tree is highly shade-tolerant and suitable for greening in places with insufficient sunlight such as buildings, atriums, patios and so on. With strong germination nature, it’s resilient to pruning so could serve as a hedge to form a barrier as well as to reduce noise and heat.