

學名:Rhaphiolepis indica var. umbellata (Thunb.) H.Ohashi

英名:Japanese hawthorn、Yeddo Hawthorn、Indian Hawthorn

簡介 Description


An evergreen shrub in the genus Rhaphiolepis, native to Japan's Ryukyu, China's southern China coast, northern Taiwan, and Orchid Island. Being a native littoral plant, it’s widely cultivated in coastal areas, road separation islands and parks. Angles between diverging branches are larger than that of other species. Leaves are hairy at birth and then smooth; leaf margins are usually entire, but occasionally shallow crenate. The white flowers are large and thick, and the pistils and stamen are yellow to red. Spherical drupes turn from green to purple-black when mature.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant enjoys full-sun environments and tolerates drought, wind and barrenness, but prefers fertile sandy loam. Mainly propagated by seeding, also possibly by cutting.

應用 Application


The plant is cultivated as a hedge, garden landscape trees, topiary trees, seed forest and so on. The bark can be used to extract dyes. Branches of flower and fruit are flower arrangement materials, while the roots and leaves can be used in herbal medicine.