

學名:Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack. var. omphalocarpa (Hayata) Swingle

英名:Orchid Island Jasmin Orange、Long Fruit Jasmin Orange


簡介 Description

臺灣蘭嶼、綠島特有種植物。常綠小灌木或小喬木,全株平滑,側枝密生,枝條斜上昇或水平伸展。葉互生,奇數羽狀複葉;小葉倒卵形至闊倒卵形,薄革質,全緣或嫩葉具鈍鋸齒,具油腺點。花較七里香大,多數,白色,具香味,呈頂生或腋生聚繖花序。果為漿果,長橢圓形,先端有尖突,熟時由綠轉為紅色;種子1~2 枚,紡錘形,有毛茸。

An evergreen shrub or small tree, endemic to Taiwan's Orchid Island and Green Island. The whole plant is smooth and grows dense lateral branches which are obliquely rising or horizontally stretching. Leaves alternate, odd-pinnately compound; leaflets obovate to broadly obovate, thinly leathery, entire, young leaves are crenate-margined, with oil glands. Flowers are larger than Murraya paniculata, plenty, white and scented, with terminal or axillary cymes. The fruit is a berry which is long elliptical with acute apex and turns from green to red when mature; seeds are 1~2, spindle-shaped and villous.

栽培 Cultivation


Tolerant to heat, drought, wind, barrenness, and salt. Propagated by seeding or cutting.

應用 Application


The plant can be used as a garden landscape tree and hedge. Ripe fruits are edible. Extracts of the leaves are widely used in herbal medicinal applications against scabies, sores, swelling, and sprain or fracture pain, rheumatism, stomach pain, toothache, tetanus, insect and snake bites and local anesthesia. The solid timber is used as paddle materials for Orchid Island Ami’s fishing boats.