

學名:Rhododendron oldhamii Maxim.

英名:Oldham's Azalea


簡介 Description

特產臺灣全島平地至高海拔2850 m山區,落葉灌木。枝條多分枝,小枝密被金黃色腺毛。單葉,互生,叢生枝梢,形狀多變化,具葉柄,披針狀長橢圓形至長橢圓狀卵形,葉基鈍或圓形,葉尖銳形或具有腺狀小尖突,暗綠色,葉面散生褐色毛茸。花1~4 朵,頂生,花冠漏斗形,磚紅色。花期長,除冬季外,長年開花。果實為蒴果,卵形,外被腺毛。種子微小多數,褐色長橢圓形。

Native from flatland to 2850m high altitude mountains throughout Taiwan island. The deciduous shrub produces highly diverging branches, and branchlets are densely covered with golden glandular hairs. Leaves are simple, alternate, clustered at the branch apex, with petioles. The leaf is lanceolate oblong or oblong-ovate with blunt or round leaf base, the leaf apex is acute or has glandular cusps, dark green; the leaf upper side scattered with brown villi. Flowers 1~4, terminal, corolla funnel-shaped and brick red. Long flowering period, bloom all year round except the winter. Fruits are capsules, ovate and coated with glandular hair. Seeds are tiny and plenty, brown and oblong.

栽培 Cultivation


Commonly visible in sunny and open land, forest edge, both sides of slopes along forest roads, river valley cliffs and collapsed lands. Hard and vigorous, highly tolerant, especially to barren soil, preferring acidic soil. Propagated by seeding or cutting.

應用 Application


The plant growing beautiful flowers which are particularly stunning when full bloom, can be planted as a focal plant or hedgerow in a garden.