

學名:Keteleeria davidiana (Franchet) Beissner var. formosana Hayata

英名:Taiwan Cow-tail Fir,David Keteleeria,Taiwan Keteleeria


簡介 Description

臺灣特有變種,常綠針葉大喬木。樹幹通直,樹皮灰至暗褐色,常呈不規則開裂;幼枝條上有短柔毛或光滑。葉線形,扁平,革質,硬,略向下反捲,中肋於上下兩面均隆起。雌雄同株,雄花 2~4 枚生於枝條先端,黃褐色;雌花亦生長於小枝先端,單生。毬果直立,圓柱狀長橢圓形,幼時為綠色,成熟時為褐色;果鱗圓卵形或菱形,邊緣有不規則淺鋸齒,外面有淺縱線;苞鱗小、篦形。種子卵形,有翅具光澤。

Taiwan's endemic variant, an evergreen large conifer. Trunk straight, bark gray to dark brown, often irregularly fissured; young branches pubescent or smooth. The leaves are linear, flat, leathery, hard, slightly down curling, midribs rose on both sides of blades. Monoecious, 2~4 male flowers borne at the apex of the branches, yellow brown; female flowers also grown at the apex of the branchlets, solitary. Cone erect, cylindrical oblong, green when young and mature brown; fruit scales round or rhombic, irregularly crenate margins, shallow vertical lines exterior; scales small and scoop-like. Winged seeds are ovate and glossy.

栽培 Cultivation


As a sun tree species, the plant enjoys warm and humid climates. It’s highly adaptable to soil, but grows better in acid red or yellow loam soil. Propagated by seeding or cutting.

應用 Application


It can be a garden plant. Due to slow growth, the timber is dense and closely-grained and a great building material. The trunk secretes oily sap, so it’s also called oil cedar.