

學名:Malus formosana Kawakami & Koidz.

英名:Taiwan Crabapple、Formosan Apple、Formosan Crab Apple


簡介 Description

臺灣原生落葉中喬木,中國南部亦有分布。嫩枝被軟毛及刺;冬芽茶褐色,無毛。單葉,互生,具長柄,長橢圓形,葉基為圓形,葉尖銳尖,葉緣為鋸齒狀,葉脈帶有紅暈。花呈繖房花序,頂生,有毛;花瓣5片,黃白色。花期 2~5 月。果為梨果,球形,熟時由綠轉紅。

A deciduous tree, native to Taiwan, also distributed in southern China. The new shoots are covered with soft villi and thorns; winter buds are brown and hairless. Single leaves are alternate, with long stalk, shaped long elliptic, round leaf base, apex acute, serrated leaf margin, reddish veins. Corymbose flowers, terminal and hairy; with 5 petals, yellowish white. Flowering from Feb. to May. The fruit is a pear fruit in spherical shape and turns from green to red when mature.

栽培 Cultivation


The planted enjoys full-sun environments and well-drained soil with rich organic matter. Propagated by seeding and cutting.

應用 Application


The fruit is scented and can be eaten raw, or made in preserved fruit and wine, also an excellent bird-alluring plant. The timber can make into utensils. Often used as a rootstock of apple. The fruit is scented and can be eaten raw, or made in preserved fruit and wine, also an excellent bird-alluring plant. The timber can make into utensils. Often used as a rootstock of apple. The fruit has the effect of conditioning the spleen and stomach, and can resist indigestion, chest and abdominal pain, diarrhea and hypertension.