

學名:Pseudotsuga wilsoniana Hayata

英名:Taiwan Douglas Fir


簡介 Description


An evergreen large tree, endemic to Taiwan. The bark is thick and deeply vertical-fissured. Branchlets are chestnut brown. Winter buds is shaped conical, apex acute, villous. Leaves are spirally arranged, slightly twisted into 2 rows, linear, flat and slightly curved, apex acute or concave.Monoecious; male flowers axillary, ca. 8 mm, with many scales on the base. Cone draping, ovate-elliptic, ca. 6 cm long; bract scale is shaped linear and longer than seed scales, apex 3-lobed and recurved; seed scale is rhombic, entire margin, thin. Winged seeds about 1.8 cm long.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant enjoys full-sun or partial sun and cold weather, native to medium and high-altitude mountains in Taiwan and not resistant to high temperature. It is better to cultivate in a soil with rich organic matter and prefers humid environments and constantly wet medium. Propagated by seeding.

應用 Application


The timber is a high-quality material used in buildings, bridges, vehicles and furniture. The tree is beautiful and can be used for gardening.