

學名:Reevesia formosana Sprague

英名:Taiwan Reevesia


簡介 Description


A deciduous tree in the genus Reevesia, indigenous to central and southern Taiwan and endemic to Taiwan. The branches, leaves and calyx are coated with hair; alternate ovate or inverted lanceolate leaves. Corymbs or panicles grown from the end of branches, and hydrangea-like. White fragrant flowers bloom in spring while wooden bell-shaped capsules containing winged seeds set in summer and autumn.

栽培 Cultivation


Grown in a full-sun and warm environment. The planting site must be open enough to allow the branches and roots to stretch. Apply long-active compound fertilizers once every season from spring to autumn. The natural tree shape is elegant and thus doesn’t require pruning.

應用 Application


The tree grows tall and upright as well as produce dense branches and leaves, fragrant flowers and unique-shaped fruits. All these features make it a great ornamental and a high-quality insect prey. Suitable for planting as shade trees and street trees in parks, schools, and community gardens. The wood is light and white-colored, good for making various kinds of utensils and handicrafts. In the past, the indigenous people in Hengchun area often used it to make scabbards and guns.