

學名:Goeppertia makoyana E.Morren

英名:Peacock Plant、Peacock Calathea、Cathedral Windows

簡介 Description


A perennial herb in the genus Goeppertia, native to southern Brazil. Plant height 30~50cm with underground rhizomes. Petiole long, leaf oblong, 10-20cm long and 8-10cm wide. Leaf color light green and translucent with dark green fine net veins. The oval-shaped variegated stripes on the lateral veins form feather-like patterns. Leaf margin slightly undulated. Same variegated pattern occurs on the both sides of the leaf, but the underside is brown. Spike, with green bracts and white flowers.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant prefers a partial-sun, warm and highly moist environment. Not drought-tolerant, drought may cause the leaf margin damaged and browning. Well-drained culture soil rich in organic matter is preferred, water once the soil surface starts to dry or the leaves show signs of wilting. Apply a slow-release compound fertilizer once every season from spring to autumn. Propagated by division. Pay attention to the hazard of spider mites.

應用 Application


With bright variegated foliage and high tolerance to shade, it’s often planted alone as a houseplant, or as a ground cover in shady areas. The plant has a unique feature which they fold upward at night. The fresh-cut leaves can be used for flower arrangement.