學名:Handroanthus chrysotrichus (Mart. ex DC.) Mattos
英名:Golden Trumpet-tree
A deciduous tree in the genus Handroanthus, native to Brazil. Trunk slightly straight and much branched; bark deeply fissured, and the young parts often fluffy or glabrous. Leaves opposite, palmate compound; 5 leaflets, lanceolate, elliptic oblong to obovate, margin sparsely serrated, hairy. Flowers yellow, tufted and slightly head-like; corolla funnel-shaped, petal margin wrinkled. Flowering in spring. Capsule cylindrical long, hairy, cracking into two splits after maturity; seeds with thinly membranous wings.
The plant normally grows in full sun and warm environments and prefers sandy loam rich in organic matter and sufficient sunlight. Mainly grown from seeds, followed by cuttings and air layering.
Valued for the flourishing and showy yellow flowers blooming in spring, it’s commonly grown as a garden ornament tree, and street tree.