學名:Callicarpa pilosissima Maxim.
英名:Narrowleaf Beauty-berry
An evergreen shrub in the genus Callicarpa, endemic and widely growing in Taiwan's mountains at about 400-1000m in elevation. The whole plant is densely fluffy. Much branched, limb erect or oblique and lateral branches soft and easy to droop. Leaves opposite, linear lanceolate to lanceolate, both apex and caudate acuminate, finely serrated on the margin. Flowers numerous, pink or white, cymes axillary, flowering from March to May. Spherical berry-like drupes turning from lavender to white when mature.
The plant grows well in warm, humid sun-facing or semi-shade environments. Robust in nature, tolerant to heat, drought, moist, barren and resistant to wind. Reproduced from seeds or cuttings. Loam or sandy loam are preferred.
The plant is often planted as garden ornament trees and hedges. Roots and leaves have medicinal properties to clear heat and detoxify, reduce inflammation, cool blood and stop bleeding. The flower is a great source of nectar, and the fruits can attract birds.