

學名:Magnolia coco (Lour.) DC.

英名:Coco Magnolia、Coconut Magnolia、Dwarf Magnolia


簡介 Description


An evergreen shrub or small tree in the genus Magnolia, native to the provinces of South China and Vietnam. The leathery leaves are narrow elliptic and grow alternately. Flowers droop from the branch ends, with 9 fleshy petals - 6 white ones surrounded by 3 green ones, half-opened, rounded as an egg, and intensely fragrant when blooming in the evening. It flowers mostly in summer, and but could bloom year-round in warm climates.

栽培 Cultivation


It grows well in partial shade or full-sun warm environment, can also survive under the shade of trees or walls. High humidity can promote the growth of flowering, so don’t plant in hot and dry locations. Apply long-active fertilizers once every season from spring to autumn. Watering during flowering stage can promote fragrance transpiration. Prune dense branches. Using divisions and air layering to propagate.

應用 Application


The plant is short and small, so suitable to be planted in small gardens or atriums. Also good for single planting , cluster planting or row planting as hedges. The flowers emit rich fragrance and can be used to extract essence or make scented tea.