

學名:Michelia figo (Lour.) Spreng.

英名:Banana Shrub、Port Wine Magnolia


簡介 Description


An evergreen shrub in the genus Michelia, native to the provinces of South China. Buds, young shoots, petioles and other parts are coated with yellow-brown fuzz. Alternate leathery oval leaves, axillary flowers with 6 yellowish fleshy perianth, sometimes with purple markings, with a strong aromatic scent. It produces compound fruits which are rarely seen in horticultural cultivars. Flowering from spring to autumn and fruiting from summer to autumn.

栽培 Cultivation


Grown in full sun to partial shade and warm environment. Branches, leaves and flowers thrive vigorously in full-sun location, while it flowers less in the partial shade environment. Apply long-active compound fertilizers once every season. Prune crowded defective branches and water sprouts in the crown whenever needed. Propagated by cuttings and air layering.

應用 Application


Thanks to its vigorous growth, strong adaptability as well as dense and round tree crown, it’s resilient to pruning and suitable for planting in gardens as topiary trees or as a hedge for greening and the aromatic scent. The richly scented flowers could be used to extract essential oils, to make scented tea and for medicinal use. The flower smells like ripe bananas, so children also call it banana flowers.