

學名:Juniperus formosana Hayata

英名:Taiwan Juniper


簡介 Description


A Taiwanese endemic evergreen coniferous shrub or small tree in the genus Juniperus, mainly distributed in alpine areas with an altitude of 2300-3000m. Much branched. Leaves narrowly linear in a whorl of 3, apex acuminate, base with nodes 1-1.5cm long and 0.1-0.2cm wide, two white broad stomatal bands on surface and gray-green beneath. Male flowers oval, stamens numerous. Capsule spherical, about 0.7cm across; 3 fruit scales, fleshy, closely attached with each other, several ovoid scales at the base, orange-yellow when mature, containing 3 seeds; testa bony in texture.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant grows well in full sun, partial sun and cold climates, tolerant to cold, drought, wind and barren. Low demanding on soils, but fertile loam soils with good drainage are preferred. Grown from seeds

應用 Application


The plant is suitable for the use as garden landscape tree and bonsais. The dense and fragrant wood is excellent material for crafting. The aromatic oils extracted from the wood can be used to produce fire ignitor. The whole plant has medicinal properties.