

學名:Acer serrulatum Hayata

英名:Green Maple

簡介 Description


A deciduous tree in the genus Acer, native to Taiwan. Trunk gray or brown. Leaves opposite, round, 5-lobed, yellow, turning reddish-brown in autumn and winter and then falling. Cymes emerging from the apical buds or lateral buds of branchlets; flowers tiny. Fruits are two connected small nuts with long wings on the sides. Flowering in spring, fruiting in summer and autumn.

栽培 Cultivation


The plants thrive in full sun to partial sun and warm to cold environment. Because of the deep main roots and fine roots close to the ground, this tree species requires deepened and broad soils, preferably sandy loam rich in organic matter. Apply long-active fertilizers once a season. Propagated by seeds and grafting.

應用 Application


Maple tree is the main foliage ornamental valued for the color-changing foliage in spring and winter. Suitable to be planted in smaller spaces such as small parks, residential communities, and etc. Planted as bonsai with various shapes after trimming can also accentuate the beauty of Maple trees.