

學名:Mahonia oiwakensis Hayata

英名:Alishan Mahonia、Two-Color Leaf Mahonia、Yushan Mahonia


特色簡介 Feature Description


Alishan Mahonia is nicknamed “ten great merits” in Chinese which causes a lot of confusion. In fact, the roots, stems, leaves, and fruits have medicinal properties which can treat many diseases. The use of "ten" is to describe its versatile application, not just ten. There are four kinds of Mahonia species native to Taiwan. The leaves of Alishan Mahonia are orderly arranged. The small golden yellow, bell-shaped flowers bloom in summer and autumn; in spring, the blue oval fruits are the favorite food of birds. Owing to the ornamental leaves, flowers and fruits, it’s regarded as a high-quality tree plant.

簡介 Description

十大功勞屬常綠灌木,臺灣特有植物。莖灰白色,有細縱裂。一回奇數羽狀複葉;小葉長橢圓形,上面暗綠色,背面淡黃綠色,刺鋸齒緣。總狀花序,花期 8~11 月。漿果橢圓形,藍色或藍黑色被白粉,果期4-5月。

An evergreen shrub in the genus Mahonia, endemic to Taiwan. Stems gray-white with fine vertical fissures. Odd-pinnate compound leaves; leaflets oblong, dark green above, yellowish green on back, finely serrated on the margin. Racemes, flowering from August to November. Berries oval, blue or blue-black with white powder, fruiting from April to May.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant prefers shade and cool environment, soils rich in organic matter and well drained. Propagated by seeds, cuttings or ramets.

應用 Application


Suitable to be cultivated as garden landscape plants, potted plants, and medicinal education plants. The whole plant is used for medicinal purposes.