學名:Asparagus densiflorus (Kunth) Jessop 'Myers'
英名:Asparagus Fern、Plume Asparagus、Foxtail Fern
原產於南非。常綠多年生草本植物,莖短縮匍匐,植株叢生狀,其下有肥大紡錘形塊根;莖上小枝及假葉密生,猶如狐狸尾巴,帶有黃綠色光澤。總狀花序腋生,白色,具香味。漿果球形,熟時由綠轉為紅色,內有種子 1~2 個。種子黑色,圓形。
Native to South Africa. An evergreen perennial herb with a short and crawling stem, clustered, with a large spindle-shaped tuber underneath; twigs and phyllodes are densely packed on the stem and resemble like a fox tail, with a yellow-green gloss. Racemes axillary, white, scented. The berry is spherical and changes from green to red when ripe, with 1-2 seeds inside. Seeds black, round.
The plants thrive in full sun and soils with rich organic matter and good drainage are preferred. Mainly propagated by seeds or ramets
It can be used as groundcover in courtyards, potted plants, and dwarf hedge. They are also excellent flower arrangement material.