

學名:Eriobotrya deflexa (Hemsl.) Nakai

英名:Taiwan Loquat


簡介 Description

枇杷屬常綠喬木,臺灣原生種,分佈全島低、中海拔濶葉林區。樹皮淡灰褐色;嫩莖葉具絨毛,後脫落。葉片互生或集生小枝頂端,革質,長橢圓形或長橢圓披針形。圓錐花序頂生,花梗被棕色絨毛;花瓣5片,白色,圓形或倒卵形。花期 5-6 月。果近球形,熟時呈黃紅色,密被絨毛,內有種子1~2粒。果期6-9月。以種子繁殖或高壓法或扦插法繁殖。

An evergreen tree of the genus Eriobotrya, native to Taiwan and distributed in the low- and medium-altitude broadleaf forests of the island. Bark grayish brown; young stems and new leaves are fluffy and fall off soon. Leaves alternate or tufted at the apex of branchlets, leathery, oblong or oblong-lanceolate. Panicles terminal, pedicels covered with brown fluff; 5 petals, white, round or obovate. Flowering from May to June. Fruit nearly spherical, ripe yellow-red, densely fuzzy, containing 1 to 2 seeds. Fruiting from June to September. Propagated by seeds, air layering, and cuttings.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant can adapt to a wide range of soils, preferably gravely loam or clay with good drainage, deep soil and high organic content.

應用 Application


The plants can be used as garden landscape trees and bird-alluring plants. Leaves have medicinal properties to cure cough; ripe fruits can be eaten fresh.